
MORRISEY, no seu último álbum, faz uma referência ao herói "beat" Cassady e a Allen Ginsberg

Não sei bem o que dizer da letra, mas a música soa muito bem:

Neal Cassady drops dead
And Allen Ginsberg’s tears shampoo his beard
Neal Cassady drops dead
And Allen Ginsberg’s lips tighten and thin
Neal Cassady drops dead
And Allen Ginsberg’s hosed down in a barn
Neal Cassady drops dead
And Allen Ginsberg’s howl becomes a growl
Everyone has babies
Babies full of rabies
Rabies full of scabies
Scarlet has a fever
Ring’s [?] full of ringworm
Angel of disdain
Poor little fella has got rubella
Liver full of fungus
Junior full of gangrene
Mine is melanoma
Tikes full of gripe.
Whippersnapper’s scurvy
Urchin made of acne
Get that thing away from me
Victim, or life’s adventurer
Which of the two are you?
Victim or life’s adventurer
Which of the two are you?

(Segundo a Vogue, "the song “Neal Cassady Drops Dead” references Allen Ginsberg’s Howl, spiraling through a litany of rhyming horrors (babies, rabies, scabies) at an excited pace, before landing on the final words: Victim? Or life’s adventurer? Which of the two are you? Play it loud, get up, dance . . . sway in that particular Morrissey fashion with all your friends somewhere, anywhere on a Saturday night. Things will be better.")


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