
QUEM conhecce a morte tão bem como eu - a morte do outro, a morte de si próprio, afogado pela doença - só pode ser filosoficamente um budista. Born in this world, you got to suffer.


Born in this world
You got to suffer
Everything changes
You got no soul

Try to be gay
Ignorant happy
You get the blues
You eat jellyroll

There is one Way
You take the high road
In your big Wheel
8 steps you fly

Look at the View
Right to horizon
Talk to the sky
Act like you talk
Work like the sun
Shine in your heaven
See what you done
Come down & walk

Sit you sit down
Breathe when you breathe
Lie Down you lie down
Walk where you walk

Talk when you talk
Cry when you cry
Lie down you lie down
Die when you die

Look when you look
Hear what you hear
Taste what you taste here
Smell what you smell

Touch what you touch
Touch what you touch
Think what you think
Let go let it go slow
Earth Heaven & Hell

Die when you die
Die when you die
Lie down you lie down
Die when you die

New York Subway, October 17, 1975

— Allen Ginsberg (1926 – 1997), American poet

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