Etiquetas: Jornalismo
ONE of the most thriling radio broadcasts ever. Great reporting by one of the men that invented modern journalism! Let's fly:
Etiquetas: Jornalismo
GRANDES imagens da zona de Odemira, pelo veterano de Macau António Falcão
Etiquetas: Fotografia, Portugal
THE Macau Museum of Art (MAM) is celebrating its 15th anniversary with a
program of exhibitions and events. At a media gathering yesterday, the
director of MAM, Chan Hou Seng, highlighted an exhibition titled
“Masterpieces of Painting from French National Museums,” which will
feature works by the likes of artists such as Pablo Picasso, Claude
Monet and Henri Matisse.
(More on this here)
Etiquetas: Jornalismo
Sukardi is the epitome of a self-made-man. Born in Bintan, Indonesia,
and with little education, he went to Singapore at a young age where he
became a businessman. In 2010 he came to Macau and established the
Indonesia Street City as a platform for his trade.
(Interview here)
Etiquetas: Entrevista, Jornalismo
Filosofia de Waits
AQUI se vê como Waits é um genial visionário. É um tipo que tem música dentro, é possuído pela música.
Diz ele neste doc:
"I believe that all things really aspire to the condition of music, including films, stories... If it has music in it, then it has value. I don't think songs try to be films, I think films try to be songs. It's a pure form of expression, it's a very simple one, it's one that anyone can do. You don't need to have a lot of gear... kids write thousands of songs before they learn to talk. Everybody has music that they just are trying to get out."
Diz ele neste doc:
"I believe that all things really aspire to the condition of music, including films, stories... If it has music in it, then it has value. I don't think songs try to be films, I think films try to be songs. It's a pure form of expression, it's a very simple one, it's one that anyone can do. You don't need to have a lot of gear... kids write thousands of songs before they learn to talk. Everybody has music that they just are trying to get out."
Dinosauria, we
born like this into this as the chalk faces smile as Mrs. Death laughs as the elevators break as political landscapes dissolve as the supermarket bag boy holds a college degree as the oily fish spit out their oily prey as the sun is masked we are born like this into this into these carefully mad wars into the sight of broken factory windows of emptiness into bars where people no longer speak to each other into fist fights that end as shootings and knifings born into this into hospitals which are so expensive that it’s cheaper to die into lawyers who charge so much it’s cheaper to plead guilty into a country where the jails are full and the madhouses closed into a place where the masses elevate fools into rich heroes born into this walking and living through this dying because of this muted because of this castrated debauched disinherited because of this fooled by this used by this pissed on by this made crazy and sick by this made violent made inhuman by this the heart is blackened the fingers reach for the throat the gun the knife the bomb the fingers reach toward an unresponsive god the fingers reach for the bottle the pill the powder we are born into this sorrowful deadliness we are born into a government 60 years in debt that soon will be unable to even pay the interest on that debt and the banks will burn money will be useless there will be open and unpunished murder in the streets it will be guns and roving mobs land will be useless food will become a diminishing return nuclear power will be taken over by the many explosions will continually shake the earth radiated robot men will stalk each other the rich and the chosen will watch from space platforms Dante’s Inferno will be made to look like a children’s playground the sun will not be seen and it will always be night trees will die all vegetation will die radiated men will eat the flesh of radiated men the sea will be poisoned the lakes and rivers will vanish rain will be the new gold the rotting bodies of men will stink in the dark wind the last few survivors will be overtaken by new and hideous diseases and the space platforms will be destroyed by attrition the petering out of supplies the natural effect of general decay and there will be the most beautiful silence never heard born out of that. The sun still hidden there awaiting the next chapter. |
Etiquetas: Documentário, Poesia
- Sangue na Navalha
- Psicotapa
- Rodrigo Cartoon
- Humoral da história
- O Homem que Comia Tudo
- Poros
- O Coiso e Tal
- Ponto Média
- janeiro 2008
- fevereiro 2008
- julho 2008
- agosto 2008
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- outubro 2008
- novembro 2008
- dezembro 2008
- janeiro 2009
- fevereiro 2009
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- novembro 2009
- dezembro 2009
- janeiro 2010
- fevereiro 2010
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- novembro 2010
- dezembro 2010
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- setembro 2011
- outubro 2011
- novembro 2011
- dezembro 2011
- janeiro 2012
- fevereiro 2012
- março 2012
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- junho 2012
- julho 2012
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- novembro 2012
- dezembro 2012
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- janeiro 2018
- fevereiro 2018
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- abril 2018
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- agosto 2018
- outubro 2018
- dezembro 2018
- janeiro 2019
- junho 2019
- julho 2019
- agosto 2019
- maio 2020
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